
The best possible start to your child's educational development

Heguru focuses entirely on nurturing a child’s ability to use both sides of their brain and provides a wealth of advantages to children in their foundation years.

Our Program

  • • Left-right brain connection
  • • Photographic Memory
  • • Concept Comprehension
  • • Focus & Concentration
  • • Rhythm Processing
  • • Spatial Recognition
  • • Visual Imagination
  • • Balance All Styles of Learning
  • • Self Confidence
  • • Emotional Intelligence
  • • IQ Distribution accelerates

Heguru, Dubai

Pre-School (1) Pre-School (2) Ages 4 to 6 years

Preschool I & II
Independent Application Stage
Heguru students will attend the class independently. This is the application stage. In this stage, students will have to apply the foundation they have gathered in the early years. This is also the stage that intellectual skills will soar from the intensive stimulation.
Communication Skills Platform
Students improve their communication skills as they interact with the teachers and peers in the classroom. As they are exposed to a mass volume of information, they discover new interest and their self-expression blooms.
It is also the development of self-regulation in terms of discipline, concentration, responsibility and independence. Students will be able to follow the classroom structure more smoothly and they improve in regulating their attention week by week. With a sense of ownership of their belongings, they develop more awareness of responsibility.

Objective: To connect the left and right sides of the brain, laying a firm foundation for advanced levels of right brain development.

Heguru, Dubai